Apple add MacDefender detection to Mac OS X

Apple has released Security Update 2011-003 to detect and remove the MacDefender trojan within Mac OS X. Further information on the security update can be found within the Apple knowledgebase article

The trojan which has appeared across the internet in recent weeks poses as antivirus software, downloading itself to user’s Macs and installing the fake product in their Applications folder. The fake software then alerts the user to non-existent malware it has detected on their computer and attempts to persuade them to license the software so as to be able to remove the threats.

Mac users can opt out of the malware updates by unchecking the new option “Automatically update safe downloads list” in the General, Security Preferences.

Apple Security

ProtectMac AntiVirus customers are protected against these threats OSX.MacDefender, Trojan-Downloader.OSX.Fav.A