OSX.Boonana- Koobface variant discovered

A Mac version of the Koobface trojan has been discovered circulating the social network and internet sites targeting Mac users.

Using what's become known as' social engineering' the unwary user is encouraged to click on a link in Facebook, Twitter or Myspace that supposes to contain a video of the user.

The multi-platform Java threat is designed to run not only on Mac OS X, but Windows and Linux, too. If the user is persuaded to authorize the java applet, it has the potential to download a number of cross-platform files as well as an installer, which enables the threat to run automatically on each restart .

Infected computers have the potential to be accessed remotely, setup as host servers to spam users or spread the trojan, and contact a number of remote server sites with the intent of downloading further malicious software.

So, if you see a request to authorize a java applet whilst accessing your favorite social network or internet site, decline!!
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